Jeroen's Meet My Friend! Photo Challenge No.3

 How are you guys doing! So I took pictures of my girlfriend's dogs because I personally don't own any pets. It was quite hard taking these pictures because they kept moving a lot but I got some good ones. I took these pictures on my iPhone XR, I hope you guys love the photos I took!


So this dog's name is Chopa. She is mostly very calm but also loves to grab slippers from anyone that leaves them outside. She's very kind and doesn't bite, unless you make her mad.


So this puppies' name is Icy. She is similar like her mom but very energetic. She is a momma's girl and just loves following her mom around the neighborhood. She's also very cute.

Chopa & Icy

This is Chopa and Icy together. They are inseparable, they love doing things together. They are both really chubby which makes them really cute.


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