
Showing posts from January, 2022


 Hafa Adai! So these are my pictures in square format that I took. It was fun taking these pictures because I did it all in one day. For example, I got to run, spend time with my friends, and so much more, I'll talk more about it in my captions. All of these pictures were taken in my iPhone XR . So this picture was taken at Sugar King Park during my dance practice for my Class of 2024. I just loved how vibrant it looked around the tree, So this picture was taken at a beach behind my apartment. I just wanted to be able to take a breather after practice and I just loved how gloomy it looked so I decided to get a photo. So this picture was taken at the Ada Gym, track and field. I decided to go runner after taking a break because I just wanted to go out and be active, also loved how the sky looked aesthetic. So this picture was taken at Memorial Park when I decided to hang out with my friends after doing a lot of things during the day. I just loved how bright the lights were at the bac...

Jeroen's Meet My Friend! Photo Challenge No.3

 How are you guys doing! So I took pictures of my girlfriend's dogs because I personally don't own any pets. It was quite hard taking these pictures because they kept moving a lot but I got some good ones. I took these pictures on my iPhone XR , I hope you guys love the photos I took! Chopa So this dog's name is Chopa. She is mostly very calm but also loves to grab slippers from anyone that leaves them outside. She's very kind and doesn't bite, unless you make her mad. Icy So this puppies' name is Icy. She is similar like her mom but very energetic. She is a momma's girl and just loves following her mom around the neighborhood. She's also very cute. Chopa & Icy This is Chopa and Icy together. They are inseparable, they love doing things together. They are both really chubby which makes them really cute.

Jeroen's Rule of Thirds

 What's popping! I actually got to take pictures at  Marianas High School and had fun taking them. I mainly used the F-Building and the Parking Lot of MHS. I used my iPhone XR to take these pictures. I hope you like them! Following the Rule of Thirds So I took a photo of my friend, Gabby, outside the F-Building. While she was sitting down, I put her on the right intersecting point of the grids. So I took a photo of the Parking Lot of MHS. I was in the B-Building and I made sure that the parking lot and grass, the tree and the library building, and the sky was separate from the grids. So I took a photo of the the grass area outside the F-Building. I was outside Mr. Dela Cruz's Class and I made sure that the grass, the trees, and the sky was separate from the grids. Breaking the Rule of Thirds So I took a photo of a hand sanitizer just outside of Mr. Dela Cruz's Class. I put the hand sanitizer just right in the middle of the grid which doesn't follow the Rule of Thirds.

Jeroen's Elements of Art

How's it going guys! So it was pretty fun to take all of these photos on my Canon EOS Rebel SL2 . Learning the different types of elements of photography is going to for sure make me a better photographer. I hope you think my photos are fire! Texture So for Texture, I decided to take a photo of puddles outside the door of my apartment since it just finished raining. I really like this photo because you could really see how wet it is on the floor. Tone So for Tone, I decided to take a photo of my cabinet's side wall with a little stuffed toy because in the texture of the wall, you could see different kinds of colors. I also added like light to it to make it more appealing to the eye. Space So for Space, I decided to take a photo of a strawberry figure I had and put it on the edge of my apartment balcony, good thing it didn't fall. You could really see that the strawberry figure is distant from the background. Shape So for Shape, I decided to take a photo of the cage of my do...

Jeroen's Types of Photography Project

  Hey everyone! The photos I took for this project was quite interesting. I used two different cameras which is my Canon EOS Rebel SL2 and my GoPro Hero 7 . I mainly used the environment around my apartment which was really fun to do. I hope you guys like it! Underwater Photography This photo was taken in my restroom. I wanted to use a big bucket I use to shower and a Funko Pop Minion I have as a prop. I used a GoPro Hero 7 to capture this moment. Nature Photography This photo was taken behind my apartment. I wanted to show you guys how gloomy and windy it was, as you can see, the trees looks like they're swaying. I used a  Canon EOS Rebel SL2  to capture this moment. Landscape Photography This photo was taken right in front of my apartment, which is 3 stories. I wanted to show you guys how tall my apartment is and just to show what I have in my surroundings, like Dial Rent to Own, X.K. Market, etc. I used a  GoPro Hero 7  to capture this moment. Fashion Photo...

Jeroen's Iconic Photographer Photo Project

The photographer I chose to copy was Edward Weston. Why him? His photography is just so nice to see, even if he took close ups, it was so sharp to the eye. I like his style so much because it makes you focus on the object clearly. The images he takes make you feel like you're the object because of how close it is in the picture. He is just amazing in what he does. Here are some photos I tried to mimic using Edward Weston's style, like how it mainly focuses on the object and everything around it is blurry. I used my Canon EOS Rebel SL2 . Hopefully you guys like the photos! Some of Edward Weston's Photographs My Photographs

Jeroen's PHOTO CHALLENGE No.2 (3 Photos of My Role Model)

 Hello everyone, so for my role model, I chose my brother, Jerico Montenejo. I look up to him because he is able to make music, he published one song on YouTube, Apple Music, and Spotify. He also owns a clothing brand called Temple: A Canvas to Wear for about 4 years now. I hope that one day I can be that talented too when I grow older. I took these photos on my iPhone XR .

Jeroen's War In The Marianas

Hi everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. So I took these pictures using my dad's Samsung camera . It was so exciting to see these places again and reading what happened in the past. I hope you like it! Suicide Cliff - This place can also be called Laderan Banadero. This place was mainly used by a lot of  Imperial Japanese Army Soldiers and Japanese civilians that wanted to commit suicide during the war. It usually happened in July 1944, so they couldn't be taken by the Americans. Saipan Jinja - "An enduring link to Saipan's Shinto Past". This place was made back at 1931, in the base of a small hill that the Japanese got to title, Katoriyama. They built this because they wanted to show a huge increase on the Japanese population here on Saipan. You have to be very respectful when you're here because it is a active shrine.  Matsue Statue - This was built for Haruji Matsue. He made the commercial sugar industry in the whole CNMI during the pre-World War II ye...

Jeroen's Morning View

  Hello everyone, these are the photos I took with my Canon EOS Rebel SL2 .  I just wanted to be creative with the fake flowers I have in my house and take the photo outside of my balcony at my apartment.  I just wanted to share what I eat in the morning. Finally, I just wanted to share all the different types of plants I have around my part of the apartment.

Jeroen's Photo Blog

What is up everyone, my name is Jeroen Montenejo but you could call me Jiro. I am a Sophomore at Marianas High School. I look forward to learning about Photography with all of you. I have been dancing for 10 years and I still do it till this day. The other thing I love doing is filming, editing and taking pictures, that's why I took this class, so I can improve my photography skills. I can't wait to learn all the fundamentals of photography so I could take pictures of anyone or anything in a more professional way. I find myself very open and kind to anyone that comes my way. The foods I really love eating is pizza and chicken wings, they just hit different. The foods I dislike is squash and papaya, they just taste weird to me but I have to eat it because my parents force me to. After high school, I plan to maybe apply to a university with my girlfriend or maybe go to the military, the Air Force branch. My plans might change but I hope that I end up successful and very happy. I...